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2007 Eurovision Song Contest Winner

2007 Eurovision Song Contest Winner

Marija Šerifović Wins for Serbia

Serbia won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2007, with Marija Šerifović's song "Molitva" (Prayer). Šerifović's victory was Serbia's first in the contest since its debut in 2003.

Significance of Serbia's Win

Serbia's victory in the Eurovision Song Contest was a significant moment for the country. It was a sign of Serbia's growing presence on the international stage and its increasing acceptance in the European community.

Šerifović's victory also had a positive impact on Serbia's image abroad. It showed the world that Serbia was a country with a rich cultural heritage and a talented population.


Serbia's victory in the Eurovision Song Contest was a moment of great pride for the country. It was a sign of Serbia's growing presence on the international stage and its increasing acceptance in the European community.
